Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cheating in a relationship?

BE HONEST: the majority of men cheat but ive made the decision to still stay with him althought he made some mistakes....How do I deal with him cheating and cope with it? And why do most men cheat although they love their wives?Cheating in a relationship?
First of all I don't know if ';most men'; cheat. What I do know is that if you think, or know he's cheating your best bet is to keep quiet about it. One of two things are going to happen, you'll accept it, or you won't and you'll leave him. Either way, the less said the better. All the whining and crying in the world will not make him STOP, or make him want you more. Always behave like a lady.Cheating in a relationship?
Whatever. Not every man is a cheater. I personally wouldn't cope with it - I would leave. Who needs a paternity suit or an STD? If I caught my husband cheating I'd nail him (legally) to wall faster than his head could spin. Unacceptable behavior as far as I am concerned.
It's not most men that cheat. You just have one that does. I wouldn't stay with someone after they cheated on me. I deserve to have a significant other who is devoted to me and only me.
Because some of their wifes don't do their jobs as a wife altho this souldn't be an excuse. He should leave her frist, then some men or women are not trustworthy people.
First, unless you can cite a reliable source for your ridiculous claim that ';most men cheat';, your premise is way off.

Second, women cheat about the same as men.

Third, you seem to be looking for justification for staying with this cheating scumbag.

';How do I deal with him cheating and cope with it?';

Best way is to divorce them because almost all cheaters, cheat again.

';And why do most men cheat although they love their wives?';

As I said at the beginning of this answer. ';most'; men don't cheat and cheaters don't really love their wives.
make him choose between u or his other girl. a woman should never allow herself to be cheated on especially if she's being loyal to his man. it's nonsense when a man says that he cheats because it's the woman's fault, (like she's never around, she's always busy with the kids, etc). what did we ever do to them to deserve that?
My girl cheated and I stuck around. I allowed myself to believe that I was stupid, hand packed, pussy whipped,(sorry, but you asked for honesty) etc. for doing so.

Two years later I realized that regardless of my confession to forgive her, I really never did. Because she had not made good (proved she was sorry) on her actions, my claims of forgiveness had an adverse affect on me. My self esteem dropped like a plane with no wings.

Don't allow this to happen, address this issue now. Your relationship has been changed which doesn't mean it can't be healthy ...... but it will be different. He has to make sure that he satisfy any curiosities and doubts that you may have until you are at peace with the situation. Then and only then, will you be able to forgive him.

Don't get intoxicated with the ';kick him to the curb'; syndrome, that's just a good example of running from your own fears.

p.s. I was told that ';time'; would heal all wounds ....... Yet it leaves the ugly scars that constantly reminds you it was there. That's why today I am an advocate for ';Reconstructive Surgery'; in my relationship.
tons of hard work to stay with a deal with the issues at hand..professional counseling is a step in the right direction to resolve issues of cheating and to gain trust back into the relationship
If they truly love their views they don't cheat! I know it's easy to say all men do to feel better about the fact that yours did. You know the saying bad news travels fast? That's why when people cheat, everyone one knows about them betraying their partner but when people stay faithful no-one tells people about it. You can have a 2 hour conversation about you dog of a man cheating etc but if you have a 2 hour conversation about how good your man is to you, it's bragging!!?? Therefore if more women talked about their good relationships, more women would realize it's not the norm to be treated like crap by their men.
All men are not cheaters, and I wouldn't stay with a cheater. I am recently married, and the last thing I think about is whether or not my husband has or will cheat on me. If he does, he is not worthy of my honor or love, and I am out of there without giving it additional thought!
Sorry not sure which answer you are fishing for here. You need to make it more clear what you want people to say.

He loves you so he went and found someone else to teach him how to treat and love you better. I think that's it.
It sounds as if you are trying to rationalize his cheating by wanting us to admit most men cheat. Just because your man cheats does not mean all men cheat. There are good, decent men out there. I feel bad for you for wanting so bad to make excuses for him even if it means giving up your self respect. Please get into therapy to see why it is you do not think you deserve to be loved and valued. Good luck to you!
If you suspect your spouse of cheating on you, you'll want to read this

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