Friday, August 20, 2010

Relationship:3 years?

I have been dating my bf for 3 years, the first year i had my white lies... but these last 2 years iv showed him a good girl someone who doesn't party or conversate with many guys anymore and lie. But with in these 3 years i never had the chance to have the 100% trust that i should have gotten...he always called me and asked what I'm doing who I'm with and where i am and when my curfew is...a week ago i just lied and he caught me not a big deal no cheating or anything like that, i was just scared he would get mad or like upset. Anyways right now i have no idea what to do because if i do go out with him again i would be at block one where he never trusted me like I need the trust.I said we needed time so i can think what to do and where i go from here... and if i don't fix things ill be heartbroken. i want to work things out but how ???

he thinks i don't show i want to fix things but i don't know how to ??

he said i need to prove him that i love him... how ???

and said that Right now i love him but I'm not in love with him anymore I'm so confused and need help.

Relationship:3 years?
Sounds like he really lacks trust in you so you need to build that up. You said in your question that you had your ';white lies';, so did you cheat during this time? Ask yourself whether you did anything to upset/hurt him that he knew about. Because if he knows you cheated (if you did cheat) then there is no wonder he doubts you now, because he's scared you'll do it again. He just needs reassurance. If you want this to work, then go out as a couple and enjoy each others company and just keep reassuring one another you'll stay loyal and faithful. If he still becomes paranoid, then tell him he's driving you away.

If you've never been unfaithful or given him any reason to doubt your honesty then he is being out of order and needs to apologise and sort himself out - maybe counselling would help him in order to stop these paranoid thoughts. He is showing symptoms of possessiveness because he hates you going out, calls you to ask where you are etc. You need to put him in his place and if he doesn't get the message then you should think about leaving this relationship.

A jealous person isn't always jealous because they have done wrong themselves...he is probably jealous and insecure because he thinks you will do something to hurt or upset him. Even when he caught you lying a week ago it cemented belief in his head that you're a liar and the fact you didn't tell the truth only makes him believe you're a liar even more (although you did it to protect him).

Tell him exactly how you feel. You need to build trust between the two of you. Maybe counselling for the both of you would help to get things back on track. Relationship:3 years?
You know the answer to this. Trust is 80% of a relationship and if you cannot sit down with your bf and do a ';start over'; fully then you have to make a big decision no matter how painful it might be.
ah so u love him, but ur not in love with him, sounds like ur in a predicament wish i could help sorry
you don't have to prove that you love him just like he doesn't need to prove that to you. You sound young so sit back, have a look at yourself and get you on the right track and life will follow you where you lead. Wanting the wrong person to love you is wrong, go live life and someone will catch up with you and be able to keep up with you. You are right in asking for help and with this power doors will open for you, just keep asking. Good luck, life is too short to worry about some people.
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