Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Reaction/dealing with emotional cheating?

Most recently i temporarily moved to Elgin for a few months. I'm from Chicago. My girlfriend of 8 months complains about never seeing me enough even though i go out of my way to always see her.

She most recently had an emotional affair behind my back with an male friend. She told me about it and i asked her to discontinue it. She went behind my back and didn't stop for another 2 weeks. He assumed it was cool to kiss her. She told me two weeks after which is now. I let it slide and forgave her,but now i'm realized how pissed i am at the thought of her emotionally cheating on me,hurt to be precise. How should i deal with it? And how is my reaction received?My Reaction/dealing with emotional cheating?
So you haven't told her it bothers you? You need to make it very clear that you aren't going to tolerate it ever again. Hopefully she just feels bad and decides to stay with you, but it sounds like she needs someone she can be with 24/7.

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