Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you deal with a cheat?

OKay, so 4 different people who dont even talk to each other said that they saw my boyfriend with some other girl. They all described her the same. Even though i dont really trust them, since they all described her the same and they dont talk to each other, then how did their stories match? Exactly. So he's cheating. I brought it up to him, and every time i go to break up with him, he gets all weepy eyed and tells me he really loves me. I know that its ridiculous but i dont know what to tell him and how to deal with this. What should i do about this?How do you deal with a cheat?
oral favors for his best friend would be fair retributionHow do you deal with a cheat?
Well you should believe the people who saw him with the girl. If he's willing to try to make the relationship you need to ask him to tell you what happened, why he was with another girl, why he felt he had to hide it from you, and who is this other girl. Listen to what he tells you, and also listen to what your intuitional feeling is telling you. You know that if the story sounds all over the place, he's lying. Don't cheat yourself of something better. So thats what you should do if you want to make it work. If you just want to break up and leave it in the past you need to tell him that you just can't trust him anymore and you deserve better for yourself. If he does the whole weepy thing again, let him know you've made your decision and move on.

Good Luck!
I have never found a reson in cheating on a person that you LOVE, truly love because if you love someone you simply wouldnt cheat! Its simple. In my opinion If a guy cheats on you, you should definitely break up with him, unless you are 100% sure that you are going to forgive him. By forgiving him I mean to never bring the incident up again and by trusting him completely again. That in my opinion is almost impossible to do. I know I can't do it, but if you think that you have the capacity to completely forgive your boyfriend then discuss the matter with him one more time and then let it go for ever then keep him, OR if you can't then tell him that you dont want to be with him anymore because you can't be with a guy who doesnt apreciate you enough. We as women are worth a looooot, we dont need men to make us feel happy or decide!
If you love him, then tell him that you know he's cheating and you won't tolerate it again. Then try to work things out with him, but keep your eyes open just in case he still wants to burn the candle at both ends. If you keep hearing stories from others, then dump him and be done. There are too many other wonderful guys out there for you to be dealing with a cheater.
If you want to break up, then break up. What does him getting weepy eyed have to do with it? Put on your girlie balls and lose the cheater...he didn't seem to care about your feelings when he was schmoozing with some other chick, did he?

Or if you want to reconcile, then do that. It's up to you. If you think you can trust him, maybe you's very difficult to regain trust once it's broken.
If you were a little kid, and you knew that you could get away with breaking the lamp by turning on the waterworks and telling your parents that you loved them and you'd never do it again, wouldn't you? But it wouldn't stop you from playing ball in the house again if you knew you could get away with it.

If someone cheats, they will typically always cheat. If you are ok with that, stay with him. If not, move on.
Make sure you clear up that he really is cheating (I mean make sure yourself, not trusting others). Then break up with him. Tell him he wouldn't cheat on you if he loves you, its all an act. If he doesn't stop, tell him to drop dead and make the other girl his official girlfriend, because he would probably say the same thing to her if she tried to break up.
jsut because he cheated doesn't mean the relaitosnhip is's only over if both of you aren't willing to work on fixing it

you have to sit down with him and ask him why he did what he did, and see if he sitll has strong feelings for you or not

if he doesn't have feelings for you anymore, or if he comes off like a complete *** about why he cheated, forget him

it isnt worth it, leave him...make him come back 2 u
Instead of going straight to break up with him why not talk? Talk things through who knows maybe he didn't cheat? But Seeing all the thing you said sounds like he did. Tell him that if he really loves you that he will let you explain your self and then tell him EVERYTHING. If he gets annoyed or just won't listen he is obviously not the guy for you. But if he seems to really care keep on talking until you come with a solution. These things need to be resolved on your own. Hope I helped!
Personally I don't deal with them, I dumped them and moved on. Life is just too short to be messing with a cheater. I couldn't feel sorry for a cheater no matter how much he cries and whines. He made his bed, let him lay in it. There are too many good men out there to limit yourself to a cheater. Understand you deserve more! Good Luck!

Don't you wonder if he felt sorry for you when he was cheating? Nope, he wasn't, because he didn't care or otherwise he would have been with you!
Just go up and break things off. Don't even wait for a reply. But get your story straight first or you'll regret it.Why? Because you say they SAW him. It could be a cousin sister anything so snoop around and see if they do some things that are a little too friendly. Then you can varify this and let him go.
He's manipulating you with the tears. He knows he's not faithful, but he wants his cake and eat it too. I've been with this type. You have to stick to your guns and walk away. Don't let him disrespect you like that or he will always be able to control you this way. And don't kid yourself, it IS a form of control.
You already know what to do. He needs to deal with his own problems; There is no need for him to go astray. He's putting on a show, to make you feel sorry for him so that you would continue to stay.

Go with your gut feelings; Hearts can change;
if he really is cheating on you, then see if it happens again, and if it does, then he doesnt really care about you enough, and you should just break it off
Kick that penny to the curb and get you a dime gurl! He's cheating on you and then playing on your sympathy with the crying act.

Pull a Bobbit on anyone tells me was a joke people. ; )
get a back bone adn ditch the loser.

he is totally playing you and being super disrespectful.
I kick the garbage to the curb. If he truly loved you he wouldn't cheat.
don't fool you're self. if he's cheating on you now, what makes you think he won't do it again.
I deal with cheats by slapping them in the face and saying ''Well cheater boy, you've just been dumped,'' and get the heck out of there.
It sounds like he is acting guilty. You have a decision now, either forgive him or dump him to the curve. 99% of cheaters will cheat again!
Break up with him. He must be good @ manipulation.
give him ONE more chance or break up with him. YOUR choice!

plus, it's kind of weird that HE cried!
if he liked U he wouldn't cheat on U but ask him or meet the girl maybe their related %26amp; its just a missunderstanding
you need to catch him in the act,try to follow him and see what hes up to..
spy on him or have some one else. And if its true dump him and if he gets all weepy tell him to deal with it
Give him a break hon
dump his a**, if he loved you, he would not even THINK of cheating on you

and that is a fact
listen to your heart:]
They always do that, they cry like little b*****s and they say the same thing, that they love you, and that they can't live without you and that you're the only one! But you know what, it happens to a lot of people, look into it or if he admitted it, then forgive him everyone deserves a a second chance! Hell I gave my guy a second chance and things are way, way better than I could ever imagine. Just do what feels right for you. And by the way if your dude is immature he's going to stay like that for a long time coming, if he has a good head on his shoulders then I'm sure that everything will work out in the end! Best of luck to you both! Hope I could help some. Bye!
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