Friday, August 20, 2010

I have a question dealing with relationships/cheating?

Okay so me and my boyfriend Andy have been going out for about 10 months with the exception of some breaks a few months ago. Thing were kinda shaky for a little while but there finaly starting to get better; like i feel secure again and he's starting to tell me he loves me again. We've always had kind of a weird relationship though. It's very ';physical';.. like we are really physically attracted. We go to different schools but we only live like 15 minutes away. All of a sudden though my friend pressed me into talking to this old friend Jerry, who's friends with Andy and they go to the same school. We started talking and we made plans to hang out later today. The thing is Andy and Jared still talk and Andy told Jared about the plans and Andy's kind of pissed. Andy told me how Jared was like going into detail about how he was gonna get with me and what was gonna happen. I just assumed he was messing around because i thought he knew me and Andy were going out but then last night i was on the phone with Jared and we started talking about Andy and he asked if i still talked to him. I was like yeah duh? and he was like ';well are you still getting with him'; and i was like ';yeah'; and Jared was like really suprised and than he was like ';well are we still hanging out'; and i said yes and than he was like ';well as long as you guys arent like going out or anything ...right?'; and i was being so stupid and i told him me and andy weren't going out. I guess i really want to hang out with Jared but i just dont know what to do. I dont know if Andys worth it because i don't always feel secure but i really do love him. Also Andys away at the beach this weekend so he wont be around. I just don't know what to do , whether or not i should go to this kid Jared's or how to keep myself from cheating or something. I just need advice ! im going crazy and i've always thought that people who get themselves in situations like this are dumb, but i kind of understand. Jared's fun to talk to and he's different , but iv'e been with andy forever and i don't want to lose him. what do i do..

oh and i probably sound like such a valley girl/idiot but im not normaly like this .. everythings just messed up so please try not to judge.. i mean you can .. but it wont help anything

thanks so much !I have a question dealing with relationships/cheating?
First of all, you just have to think about who you want to be with more. That's the bottom line, if you like Andy more, then be with him and don't hang out with Jared b/c it sounds like you more than likely will do something with him you regret. If, however, you have stronger feelings for Jared and only pity is holding you with Andy, then I would probably end it with Andy, first and foremost, and see how things work out with Jared.

I'm getting the feeling you're not THAT attracted to Andy since you're having a hard time avoiding Jared, even with the knowledge that he wants to ';get with you'; and I think you probably want the same, at least a little bit.

That's the best I can tell you, think long and hard about who you would be ultimately most happy with.

Hope I helped somewhat, take care and good luck! I know you will be fine!I have a question dealing with relationships/cheating?
Thing is if Andy is smart he'll dump you. Why would you agree to go out with his friend? It also just sounds as if you and Andy are infatuated with each other, no in love. So do him a favor and break up with him because clearly you aren't ready to be with one guy.

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