Really, are there any decent guys out there that don't cheat on their girlfriends?
I think my boyfriend cheated on me with his ex and I'm absolutely heartbroken, I don't know what to do to make myself stop crying.How do you deal with being cheated on?
its only cheating when you catch us.women are as bad as men.
( oh come on lots of you on here have cheated guys and girls )
only 3 out of 21 thumbs down so at least 18 of you have cheated.ha haHow do you deal with being cheated on?
I can relate to your situation, my ex cheated on me after being together for almost five years. My situation was funny though, I thought me being a guy and all, I would have made the first move to get into bed with her but it was her that the first move, I told her that I couldn't go there yet. My parents worked really hard to raise me with a high set of morals which include waiting for marriage to have sex. I eventually got over it, needless to say I was no longer the same happy optimistic person I used to be, but I haven't lost faith that I'll find someone. Hang in there, be with friends and family, get out and do fun stuff to get your mind of the situation.
Omgg..don't cry okay? Trust me there ARE guys out there that don't cheat, I know this as a fact because my boyfriends have never cheated. Do you know for sure that he cheated on you or are you guessing he did? I think you should just ask him, and be serious don't cry or anything just ask him in a serious tone (don't sound angry either or he may get scared and lie) - if he says yes then just take some time to think about your relationship, and if I were you I would just leave him, obviously he's not over his ex and you deserve someone that will be ready to love you and ONLY you. This is what I would do even though its really hard, because there are so many guys out there BETTER for you than him.
Talk to him see how he responds to your questions. Don't just listen but watch and see what he does. This will help so you know for sure if he has cheated on you. If he has talk to a good friend and just let if out. I'm here for you so you can email me anytime. But keep active don't think too much about it. The more you stay busy the less you'll cry. Finally express yourself. Tell people what has happend. Take this situation and share it with others so you can help them too. Email me for any for help...I will sure try to help.
not all guys do cheat only the guys that don't really care about the girls but just care about pussy. I had a gf and she cheated on me with her ex and i got in a fight with him. but if you think a guy is cheating on you just don't even give him another chance cause if he get another chance he would just do it again.
if he did that and you are absolutely 100% sure about it then brake up whit him and don't ever speak to him again yes there are descent guys out there i am one of them i been whit to 2 girls witch one of them was really crazy she had to see me every single day i could not even pick up extra hours at work and there she cheated on me so i broke up whit her the second girl i date it was only for a month she left me to finish the school to this day she have not spoken to me not a phone call no nothing after 1 year and 4 months so i am decent guy a gentleman friends at work tell me that witch all of them are girl way older then me they can be my mothers
I am sorry that this has happened to you, it happened to me too. My fiance cheated on me 3 days before our wedding with his ex and didnt tell me until after we were married actully about a year after. I have been with him on and off because of the daughter we have together but it has been the worst 6 years of my entire life. Believe if I had known it would be this hard to forgive and forget I would have walked away as soon as i found out. Dont forgive him and dont listen to anything that he may have to say because there is no excuse for what he has done to you and trust me he will do it again!
If he did it once, chances are he'll do it again - ditch him now, and hold your head up.
Never let a guy do this and get away with it. Never let them think they can do this to you and there will be no consequences. Ditch him, delete him from your friends on your social networking site, delete his number from your phone and block it, and don't go to places where you are likely to meet him. Damn it girl, you're worth more than that.
I am sorry for your pain, but it's time to get coolly indifferent towards him. Work on it.
Well, unfortunately it's not just guys, there are plenty of girls that cheat on their mates as well.
I've been lucky enough to be with a guy for the past few years with the absolute certainty that he'd never even think of cheating.
However, I do know how it feels, it's not a fun feeling, but you said you THINK, therefore you do not know for sure, i'd find out for sure before you start feeling like crap.
It could be speculation on your part which could lead to problems in the relationship... if he DID cheat, dump his *** in the trash where he belongs and move on to someone more deserving.
Good luck!
What's worse than being cheated on? That is the ultimate form of disrespect in a relationship. Word of advice, if your'e not married to him, leave him alone. Even if you love him sometimes you have to let people go. If he did it once and you don't do anything about it, he will do it again thinking that he got away with it the first time.
Yes there are - you just have to find the right one.
First of all - you think he cheated on you? You need to be sure before you start getting so upset. What if he hasn't and you have already written him off??
Secondly - if he has, then hes just not the right boy for you and you will be better off without him.
I know it mightn't seem so at the minute, but you will grow stronger and attract someone better for you, that will never make you worry or cry again.
Good luck
Sorry, but you just have to cry your way through it and be done with it. I remember your line of questioning leading up to this and it appeared it was headed in this direction. There are still a lot of decent guys out there if you want to take the time to find them. I hope this painful time is quick for you. Good luck.
Yes there are some of us that don't cheat!
How can you think your boyfriend cheated on you? I would find out... If he has leave his sorry ***, if he hasn't sort out your issues or break up and move on, you will find some one out there for you who will not make you cry because you THINK they have cheated on you. You will KNOW that they would never cheat on you
you just have to make sure that you know in your heart that if he cheated on you, he isn't and never was worth your time or this heartache
i know it may hurt right now but just forget about him and try to find a new guy that you know will be faithful to you
i really believe that there is a person out there for everyone and you will find him sooner or later
The first time (yes first time!!) my ex cheated on me was upset but i accepted her apology and we stuck together for a while during which time she cheated on me 2 more times!!! I know what your thinking but she didn't tell me until she split up with me can you beleive. You have to be strong and send him packing. By the way my ex was a girl! Yes they do it too, no-one is the same or perfect but you have got to believe me when i say DO NOT FORGIVE HIM he'll do it again and you may not find out. First though be careful with the 'think' word you have used be sure!!
don't get sad, get mad.
%26amp; don't ever forgive him or take him back.
just go out %26amp; find someone else, once you do, you'll feel a lot better. it doesn't have to be another boyfriend, just another guy to have fun with ;) it makes it better after a while.
%26amp; time heals all wounds too. don't forget that.
good luck! :)
You deal by no blaming yourself for it. Communication is the key in relationships and I don't know if he talk to you before doing it.
Im sorry :( My ex slept with her ex too, I know it hurts alot. As time passes the pain will fade. And yes there are decent guys who dont cheat on their girlfriends (like me) lol.
Why do females cheat?
Here's a hint - STOP DATING LOSERS!
cheaters are some of the most heartless people, don't get down on yourself, go out and have fun and find good people
dnt forgive him thats fersher cuz once u do he gana do it again...
go out and get distracted with ur girlfriends....
no girl deserves to be cheated on...unless u cheated on him then its just karma
tell him 2 f*** off and give al his stuff bak,
maybe cheat with somone else
well its not every guy...girls are the same...just they blame it on alchol lol
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