Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you deal with a cheating spouse until you bust him when he keeps lying?

i already know the girl, where she lives...a friend he told stuff too and who dropped him off over the girl already told me everything..the girl works for his company and they have had sex in the office...yet he still lies and got her lying to....i gonna to catch them then but until then its hard being nice...How do you deal with a cheating spouse until you bust him when he keeps lying?
why waste the time to even try,

just leave!!!!

life is to short you dont need to bust him. Just pack up and leave.How do you deal with a cheating spouse until you bust him when he keeps lying?
you deal with him in one of two ways:

leave him

or get you a lover on the side and see how he likes it

personal i would do the 2nd
You need to get intouch with that show cheaters. Where they get a PI to track him, then they get the camera crew and you and take you to him while he's with the girl. You and your situation sound perfect!
Why be nice? If one of his friends sold him out, why do you have to be nice? He is the one that is doing something wrong here....not you. Tell him to pound sand and if he knows you are serious, he may stop his cheating to win you back but the old saying goes.....once a cheater, always a cheater.
If you already know, what else are you looking for? You don't need evidence. You know so deal with it. Tell him to leave or you leave. It doesn't matter anymore if he lies or he gets her to lie or whatever. What matters is that he is a cheater and now you have either accept it and put up with it or don't accept it and leave.
Try to CATCH him with your eyes. If not he'll always deny it. Set him up. He'll feel like a punk PLUS you'llhave proof. Then file for divorce and take it all.
So don't be nice.. He doesn't know how much proof you actually have. You can have fun and make him squirm.
Until you catch them it's only rumors. So, he could be telling you the truth...
You don't have to be nice. Why not just confront him about, and file for divorce.
so your basically going off of what some one else says? i always give the man the benefit of the doubt until pr oven guilty. try being your own private investigator and pop up unexpectedly in places.
Get rid of hime, he is obviously cheating. Once a person cheats, they will cheat again.
what was the question?
Be a *****. Bust them, or follow them. Or something. File for divorce. you dont deserve this asshole.
don't bother dealing with him. throw him out and let HER worry about whether or not SHE can keep him faithful.
If you know he is lying then I would confront both of them, together if need be. If his friend has already told you everything then you have all the evidence that you need. It's one thing for somebody to cheat, confess to their wrong doing and then stop cheating and do the right thing. But if he is still lying then it seems as if he wants to continue his fling with this woman.
so don't be nice kick the man out of your life and sabtoge the girl.they are talking you down every time they meet .
well, I would let him know about all of the info you have and tell him that you are far more intelligent than he thinks you are, also, give him an ultimatum, let him know that you are not going to stick around and take this abuse, and if he wants to be with her, he should be a man and tell you to your face, afterall, we shouldnt' do things we are not proud of...
A cheating spouse makes people face a horrible crossroads. Do I leave him because I can't trust him anymore? or should I give him another chance? If you leave him, you have to understand beforehand just how much your life is going to change without him. But if you stay with him, can you live and trust him ever again? Is it worth it for you to pretend everything is fine when it's not? In such cases, you need to think about yourself and yourself only, he is obviously not doing it for you. He is strictly satisfying himself. So get your sources straight, confront him and get yourself some peace of mind. Then evaluate your decision so that you can take action and start living the life you want to live. Remember something, be fair to yourself and provide yourself with the happiness you deserve.
Just join them in a threesome and stop your bitchin
Why are you sticking around playing his game? If you're going to leave him over it, just go and make a happy existance for yourself.
You know he had sex with another woman. You know he's lying to you constantly. Why are you still there?

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