Monday, August 16, 2010

How to deal with a cheating parent?

i overheard my dad on the phone with someone else, it sounded like he was setting up a lunch meeting with her and his voice was uncharacteristically gentle and at the end of the phone call he said ';love you'; :'( i know for sure that it wasn't my mum he was on the phone with. i checked.

last year my mum and i suspected he was cheating on her and we did find evidence but we both thought he'd stopped. now i've witnessed this horrible betrayal and i'm not sure how to go about it. all i know is that it's very depressing knowledge and it would break my mum's heart ='(

should i tell my mum about this incident? how do you think i should go about it.How to deal with a cheating parent?
First, for now keep this to yourself. Don't reveal this to your mom.

second, collect some concrete evidence and keep a record.

third, confront your father and tell him how this would destroy his family and the love %26amp; respect you have for him

fourth, talk to him why he has been doing these and try to find out a solution. There may be some fault with your mother also. eg. too much of nagging, complains

';Vanity, revenge, loneliness, boredom, all apply. Lust is one of the least of the reasons for promiscuity. ';

-- Mignon McLaughlin

lastly, once i had a talk about this with a behavioral expert and she told, every family has skeletons in the closet and one should not try to bring them out.

This would be a tough phase for your family. you will learn a lot dealing with this and grow up into a new person.

wish you good luckHow to deal with a cheating parent?
confront him first. dont worry your mom if it's nothing

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was everything resolved? i hope it did for you!

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I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I just found out my dad is doing the same thing today.

I can't believe it.

You don't deserve it. It's not right for you or your mom.

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Tell your mom right away. Then she can figure out what to do.
spare ur mother this agony,learn to value ur relationships
Wow. Not good. I think you should talk to your dad first of all. Ask him what's going on with him and your mom, if things are okay between them and if he loves her, etc. After he's given his answers, tell him what you witnessed and ask him if its what you think it is. Give him an opportunity to either kill him self.... or kill him self (cause eitherways you are sure its what you think it is.)

Tell him how his actions are making you feel, and how you know your mom will feel if she found out. Talk it out with him.

I doubt if this will make him change, but it will let him know that he can't fool either one of you for too long.

Please withhold this from your mom, I can understand how she'd feel if she knew this. Maybe when it persists and their relationship doesn't improve then you can make the move.

Good luck %26gt;:d%26lt;
tell mum to sit n say confidential i heard dad talk to a girl n to not b mad at u give her something soothing n hug ur mum.

and say x actly what u heard it could have been a business thing but if not atleast ur mum will know 4 sure.
Talk your Mom its good for you and tell her all these things.
I'd sing like a canary to my mother if my father did this. I'd be asking her.. so who is it that dad talks to on the phone and says that he loves? And I would ask her right in front of dad too.
i don't know how much your dad loves your mom or the other woman '; If there is one';... but one thing is for sure...

A man can break so many hearts but the person could break his heart would be is daughter'; you'; so if you are smart enough so can make things work between your mom and him and bring things together... Let him know his action affects you.... and but dont bring in that your mom is aware that you know abt it . Cos it might end up making things for her and between them.... he might get on her indirectly for making him loose his face to you....'; embaressing'; for him. So be an adult and confront him directly. May be abt the phone conversation.
I know this might be a bad idea but the first thing that came to my mind was that you find out where he's having this lunch date, then ask your mom to go have lunch there with you. Then you wouldn't have to tell her, she can see it for herself. I am not sure that you should tell her yourself. I don't like the idea of putting you in the middle. But if this is going on with your dad, I think I'd find a way to leave suttle hints around for your mom and let her think she figured it out on your on. If you tell her it might cause a riff between you and your dad. Even though he's doing wrong towards your and your mom, he's still your dad. If you can't do it in a round about way, then confront him and tell him what you suspect. Give him the choice to either stop his affair or you will have to tell your mom what's going on. Maybe the jolt of him knowing you know will bring him back to his senses. I really feel for you cause it a hard place to be, between your parents. No one should have to do that! Best of luck to all of you!!
I think you need to tell your mom. Do what's right. Your mom has a right to know, but maybe you should talk to your dad first.
No, you don't tell your mom. It isn't your place to put that kind of news on her. If you can, find the very strength in you and go straight away to your dad and tell him you overheard his conversation and the conversation disgusted you. Say nothing more and let him explain. Undoubtedly, this has changed your relationship with your dad and he will need to earn back your respect. Let's hope he's up to it and heeds this wake up call.
it is a big NO! to tell it to your mom, the first move you need to do is to confront your dad, tell him the truth and ask him that why he did it to have another woman or (sory for the word) ';mistress';, ask him why and ask him that who is more he love, you and your mom or that woman,. You have the right to tell that! come on, dont be afraid, tell him that you and you're mom love him so much, so there is no way to cheat you, try to speak up to your dad,. maybe thats the only answer for your question,.
ok im not a pro at advice but do more investigating see if it was a family member. if not be on an extra phone but be really, really quiet. try and figure it out. if hes the violent type get the police when you confront him about it so he cant hurt you or ur mum. it should all work out fine.
If he still has hair, put nair in his shampoo, deflate his tires, etc........ But seriously, you need to talk to your mom about this and the two of you need to get away. I feel bad saying this, but a parent like that isn't a parent at all. He doesn't have the guts to be upfront, and sneaks around, you need to decide if you want this kind of person in your life or not.
go talk to your dad.he will tell you the true.
just try to save your mom the pain! let her find out on her own because eventually she will find out and say something don't be the one in the middle! my parents are always up on each other about cheating im surprised they have not gotten a divorce yet! the best thing to do is just let everything unwrap on its own! as a teenager we don't need anymore drama in out lives! my parents would always fight and put me in the middle of it and it is emotionally unbearable for me! so what i do is ignore them and get the hell out of my house as much as possible!good luck
i think you should tell your dad that you know everything and make him tell everything your mum
i am in the same satuation to so i know how u feel. but for me differnece is this will be the 3rd time his doing it. and i'm that person j j u just answer my question. hope everything goes well for you. don't confront him just try to make him feel guilty and bad if that doesn't work confrontation will be the best thing.
umm thats tricky, I had to tell my mum when I was fifteen about what I found out about my dad. It changed our family and Mum is better off without him. That was ten years ago now and she hasnt looked back. Doing this caused me alot of guilt for dad but it was worth it to see mum getting a better deal out of her life. Also dont let what you know of your father mess with your idea of what men are like, there are good ones out there. Hope my experiance can help you figgure what is best for you to do. Good luck
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