I think my mom is cheating on my dad
my first reason for thinking this is because my mom asked me to get somthing out of her purse for her. when i did a flip phone fell out ( not on my dad's wireless plan) when i asked her what it was she told me to never look in her purse again, and it was none buisness
2nd is that i went to give her a hug good night while she was at her computer and she was on an unknown to me gmail accout imming someone i didnt know.
She goes out alot to ';workout'; without my dad
I'm begining to suspect the worst
I havent told anyone this because i dont want my dad or my sister to be as heart broken as i am.
plz can anyone help me or tell me what would possibly be the best solution
i'm having trouble sleeping and I start crying whenever i think about it
thank you allHow to deal with a cheating parent?
So I'm sort of in the same situation. I think my dad is cheating on my mom. I'm pretty good friends with the girl I think he is cheating on her with. I would suggest not going to your counselor. They would either make you call your parents or make a call themselves and you want to tell someone you can trust. I've chose to tell my youth pastor and he has helped me with it a lot. I mentioned it to my close friends but I never talk about it with them. And you can't juststraight up ask your mom if she is cheating on your dad. That would make things a little weird I think and in a way it's not your problem but it's affecting you too. I just try not to think about it. But it gets so obvious when my dad talks to her.How to deal with a cheating parent?
Im so sorry your stuck between a rock and a hard place here. You don't say anything and your dad finds out then you feel bad because you knew. On the other hand you say something then your mother is upset with you. Im not sure of your age here but my best advice is to express to your mother how you feel. It may not be pretty but then again maybe it will open her eyes and see the hurt its causing you. If your still in school maybe talk to your counselor. Good luck
Well she may be socializing with somebody other than your dad. But unless you find items like condoms and hotel receipts I would not jump to conclusions. Don't be too quick to assume the worst,
It does seem like it, but don't expect the worse. Stay strong and follow your mom one day if you can drive. I would wait to tell your family unless your almost 100% sure
your parents have their own relationship outside of their children. Let them handle it.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having this heavy burden on your heart.
The issue with your parent's marriage is not yours to deal with even though you may feel the need to do so. This issue is between your dad and mom. It absolutely impacts you, of course, but this is not about you. If it is real, your Dad probably already knows.
If you are uncomfortable and not equipped to confront your Mom %26amp; Dad, you need to get help from a school counselor, church adviser, close relative who can help you navigate the storm.
Get this off of your heart because it's destructive. You didn't cause this situation to happen.
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