I have never been in a real relationship but from what I see, cheating on spouses is pretty common. From what I can tell, pretty much everyone cheats at some point. Since I've never really been in a relationship, I don't know how I would feel if a boyfriend/husband cheated on me. But sometimes I wonder, is it really that big of a deal if your partner just wanted to be with someone else and had sex with someone else. That doesn't mean they don't love you or care about you anymore. I know people who say they would never stand for someone to cheat on them but when they are cheated on, they remain in the relationship. Is it a bad idea then to agree from the get go that you don't care if one of you has sex with someone else every once in a while (as long as you're protected). Thoughts anyone?Is it really a big deal when someone cheats on a significant other? Should cheating just be accepted?
Well my ex cheated on me...and I'm here to tell you that crap hurts. I had never experienced being cheated on until her and I'm here to tell you once you've been cheated on, that is a feeling you NEVER, EVER want to feel again. Even if you get over him or her, the residue of the pain will always be there and some people have to work HARD to not let it affect their views on the opposite sex and relationships. It is never acceptable and until you have it done to you, you may not understand why. But take it from me, it screws up men's mind just like it does women and it's HARD trying to sort through all that emotional crap just so you can love again.Is it really a big deal when someone cheats on a significant other? Should cheating just be accepted?
I think your views might change when you find that certain someone and enter into a real relationship. Casual sex with someone else when ';committed'; to your love....will hurt...a lot! Hopefully you'll never endure that hurt.
lol you'll change your mind on this stance once you enter a serious relationship. It could never work that way. Your spouse would start sleeping with others and not telling you.
Cheating is NEVER right or ok or acceptable. Its betraying the trust you have with the person.
Not ALL men or ALL women cheat in a relationship. And if you really believe that those that cheat still love and care about you - then you have a lot to learn.
If you honestly love and care about a person, you would not cheat on them. Only the ones that cheat will do their best to justify their cheating - you have a choice - you either cheat or you don't. There is no in between.
Asking this again?
Cheating implies that you are breaking a trust or agreement. It is only cheating if both of you don't agree ahead of time that it's O.K. to do.
U have been cheated on by every girl I have ever dated, even my ex wife cheated on me. I have never cheated in my life and hopefully I won`t. What I have realized from all the times I have been cheated on is that people cheat for a reason they just don`t cheat cause they wanted to be with that other person, there is always a reason, sometimes they are ridiculous but sometimes they make sense. Cheating is not the end of a relationship, sometimes it is the best thing that can happen to a relationship, since it makes both parties see what is wrong and it gives a chance to work on things.
The thing with cheating is that it hurts like hell.
if you do get into a serious relationship and your significant other cheats and you remain in the relationship you would be a total idiot. someone like this can never be trusted and if there is children involved its even more disgusting. not only are they disrespecting their spouse but they are disrespecting their own children. what child wants to hear that their mommy/daddy is a liar and a whore. others can do whatever they choose, obviously but, i would not put up with a pig like this for a minute.
Some people accept it some people don't. Some people live in denial others keep it real. If you love someone, the thought of that person having sex with someone other then you is unbearable. Especially when you've made a commitment to each other. Condoms aren't 100%, what if his so called once in a while lover gets pregnant or the condom breaks and she gives him an std which in return he gives you? Not only is cheating deceitful and disrespectful it's also dangerous and irresponsible.
Well if you don't mind sharing and swapping bodily juices with everyone else. Cheating is a sin plus it is nasty.
No. When your in a relationship you are committed to that person. If you want to sleep with random people then stay single and be slutty. You don't have to crush someone Else's feelings in the process. Cheating is NEVER right and it is NEVER ok.
When you find real love your views will change. My wife just had an affair. Let me tell you, it hurts! I really think you will see. It really does make a difference.
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