Oh, sweety, I am sorry, what a situation. I found out 2 days before I went into the hospital to have our daughter that he was STILL married! I snooped in his email. They had been apart for years, the actualy paperwork wasnt finished or whatever. But even then, it was a lie and a pretty big one. It was one of MANY. All I wanted was for us to be a family. We arent together anymore and I am getting my life straightened out-going back to school, working, and taking care of our daughter. And I am happy. It hurts like hell now, but in the long run you dont want to be with someone you dont trust- it never works. Good Luck.Pregnant dealing with cheating husband and divorce.?
Yes, trust is HUGE and when thats gone, so is everything else. Now focus on your babies and getting YOUR life together for them, you dont need him hun!
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if you want to talk you can click on avatar. You should seek couseling with a professional. Stay calm and don't do anything rash, not until you feel better.
take it one day at a time.
You have a 2 year old and when your second child was only 2 1/2 months old you got pregnant with your third child.
I hate to tell you this, but you have worse problems then just a cheating husband. You need to slow down and use some birth control. You couldn't have known your husband for very long before you married him. Maybe you are choosing to be with the wrong kind of men and having a baby with them, before you get a chance to really get to know what kind of a person he is.
Concentrate on being a good mother and take a long break from men. It might really help you to turn your life around and start making better choices in life for yourself and your children, if you were to get some counselling. Otherwise you are going to spend your whole life, going from man to man and having one baby after another. Is that all you want in life for you and your children or do you want to get help and change your future?
This goes on a lot these days and most people try not to be obvious about it but it still is wrong.
For him to be so obvious about this means he is taking you
for granted.
In the end your feelings will change toward him and it will never be like it was before. But life goes on and you have
now three kids and four if you count your husband..
Men are never mature enough for marriage..To him he is
just doing his thing. I wonder what he would do if you did the
same if he was an invalid or sick?
Since you both got exex then you have to just tell him how you feel..Hell has no fury like a women scorned
Take care of baby first, then you. If at all possiable, cut all ties to him and his family and turn to your own family and friends for support. You can do it, be strong. But don't go back to him. It really does hurt, you married him and having his child, and what does he do??Runs to another woman. I don't get it. He should have thought about that before he married you. Right now all the hormones and stuff that you are dealing with is not helping right now either. be strong and find someone to talk to, a neutral party, some one that is not related to you or even a good friend. but you need a shoulder to cry on that is somewhere close, that is in person and not on a screen. Good Luck and God Bless
I'm so sorry, I have certainly been cheated on, but not in such a bad way. You'll get everything back on track, and I understand why you hurt so much, that would be absolutely DEVASTATING, it sounds like unimaginable pain. Just try to think of your children and concentrate mainly on them, they are the real loves of your life. I'm sorry that nothing can really take the pain away though, I really wish you the best, you deserve the whole world taking care of and carrying a child through all of this, and someone will certainly love you again because you are obviously a strong woman.
I went thru all of that.. and in different ways.. my X cheated on me the first year of our marriage and then thought if we got pregnant it would make it all better well that was bull%26amp;^%$ that doesnt do anything but cause more problems... I should have known it wasnt going to last when i found out he cheated on me for over 7 months with this chick... but i took him back like a dumb%$# and we tried to repair our MARRIAGE but then we had the baby and the relationship went to S#@T so the only thing to repair your broken heart is TIME girlfriend... and especially since you are pregnant with his baby now.. and you know you dont want him back or should you even think to be with him... the only thing is TIME. to heal all wounds i know from experience... we have been seperated and divorced over 2 years and i am sooooo over him yuckkkky when i ever i see him.. and there were moments where i took him back and forth and back and forth and only cuz the baby and the marriage.. otherwise he would have been long gone after the first time cheating... i would say i was stoopid but i love my son and god blessed me with him it is actually a lot better as a strugglin single mom all alone doing this then with a fuc%^$ up father in the picture he is there but not as much as he should be and it is all good... so you must know you ARE beautiful and you need to provide for the babies and i hope you have some family support of some type... it aint easy and you need to be strong dont go taking him back and forth back and forth like i did it makes things so much harder in the end and the babies get all fu$%#@ up in the end too... wheres daddy o there he is wheres daddy o there he is wheres daddy o **** there he goes.. to another bi*%26amp;^ and her baby by him and he is playing house with her now and ha ha they are not doing well at all ... she is the cheater and druggie etc etc...so karma my friend is a mutha and take it from me it doesnt pay to be nasty and cause problems with revenge etc.. he will get his trust me.. you just keep doin you ...you will be great.... also it doesnt help that we get all emotional and sh*%26amp; while we are pregnant.. so just breathe
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