I was going out with a really cool girl for 2 years and then I found she had been cheating on me with this guy from school, she lied to me called me a bastard and cheated on me, I walked in on it. Not just kissing....... I lost it and smacked the guy one and walked out on her, I have not spoken to her since and that was two months ago I have just got back from holiday in Chicago and have thirty two text messages saying sorry
Should I dump/forgive her, should I have punched the guyHow do I deal with a cheating partner, did I over react?
Move on she not worth it..How do I deal with a cheating partner, did I over react?
Ohhh , that sucks. You dont need a cheatin girl, you can do better.
If it was my boyfriend I found cheating on me then there's no way i'd take him back, it would make me feel sick to even let him touch me knowing he'd been with another woman. But if you can not let that bother you and will still be able to trust her, then take her back. Good luck with everything xx
it's two months. let it go you've had a lucky escape.
Cheating is ALWAYS wrong. Whether or not what you did was right, you should not go back w/ her, you are better than that!
She,s a slapper through and through !!!! Tell her to clear off !!!
wow, well it sounds to me she's sorry she got caught.. if you didn't walk in on them, i guarantee she would still be cheating on you with that guy if not a different one. She also probably realizes how much she screwed up a good thing, and misses you. Your call though, you do what you feel is right, what your gut is telling you.
I think you acting within reason. Only you know whether it's worth giving this girl a second chance but be aware that there will be no trust between the two of you
You should punch the guy again if the opportunity presents itself. Take her back until you can find somebody better.
No don,t go back with her,you sound like a really kind guy . you dealt with the situation at the time so just let it drop now and get on with your life . When you see her or him do not over react just be cool let it show that she has no effect over you now . That is your best way of dealing with it you do not want to be in that situation again.
Have a great life do not settle for second best wait for the real one xx
Well violence never solved anything but I dont think there is anyone that would not have reacted in the same way as you did.
Dump her she is a sl@pper and could do it again, you will never trust her and lets face it you have survived for two months without her already, keep your head held high and move on, someone out there deserves a decent guy like you so look for her.
Good luck.
I would dump her because you sound like a really nice guy and if she was dum enough to go and cheat on you she isn't worth it.
But you shouldn't have punched the guy no matter how bad that is is not the right thing to do
well.. u said 'a guy from school', so ill assume your not that old. Its pointless to be in a relationship with sum1 like that when you are your age, but in her defense.. if your going to be a slut, that's the age to do it!! Don't tie yourself down in drama, get laid as much as you can while you can!!
And yeah, I would have punched the guy as well
Your never trust her fully again..So whats the point if you cannot tot tally trust your loved one..Think your better ignore her and punching guy natural reaction,do not apologise..
Oh baby don't take her back she did you wrong and you shouldn't have got mad at the guy he didn't no? but your girlfriend did so give her the boot. She missed out on a good guy and saying sorry wont make up for how hurt you are. Find a better young thing that will treat you better. she did it once makes her the fool if she does it twice makes you the fool. Think of what you deserve =] which is the best
i hope your deicison is wise
good luck hun =]
You shouldn't excuse her if she cheated on you once she'll probably do it again.. There are a lot of pretty girls..... So forget her and start a new life....
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