My parents have been in a long distant marriage since i was like 5 (im 18 now) anyways I went to visit him for the summer and found condoms in his wallet. I have been here less than a week and he has spent 2 work nights out and doesnt come back to the house we stay in. I am certain that he cheats and sometimes wonder if he has a secret child or children out there that I don't know of. Anyways I care way more about my mom and I don't want her to get any disease from him. It might sound evil but I could care less if he contracted one for he put himself in the situation. Anyways I want you guys help on away that I should call this to my moms attention because I don't want her getting sick. I also never want to see my dad again and want him to tell him that I know all his dirty secrets. ( He's been cheating for a while and I my mom knows but Im not sure to this extent) Anyways yea I really need you guys help and I am sorry this is long. THANKSHow should I deal with a cheating dad?
my bestfriend had this SAME problem.
so she told her mom and her mom ended up moving with her and her little brothers.
but anyways i think you should just tell your mom,it might hurt her but TELL !How should I deal with a cheating dad?
You're right in that your mom probably knows. Maybe they're just together for convenience, or financial reasons. Let your parents worry about that. Don't let it ruin your relationship with your dad. I'm totally against cheating, but it's not your problem. Parents certainly aren't perfect (I know I'm not).
Get that anger out of your heart before it consumes you. You may not approve of what your father is doing, that's fine. But what you are after is revenge and that is horrible for the soul.
For god sakes, he's been in a long distance marriage for 13 years???? What do you expect him to do?
Let him be, YOUR life will be better off for it.
A lond distance marriage it is a wonder satied together this long. The condoms are so he won't have and babies WTF where you doing going thru his wallet If your concerned about your mother you should be concerned about dad.
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